Hello all,
The Provost's office and UMBC's Committee on the Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement of URM Faculty want to know how COVID-19 is affecting is affecting URM faculty. Autumn has asked the leaders of affinity groups to share community needs, concerns, and impacts.
What can the provost's office to do help you or your students during this time? I feel that our group in particular could use some extra support. So far, we are thinking of suggesting some online training for instructors around xenophobic language in relation to COVID-19 and perhaps a student survey around these same issues.
We know this is a very busy time at the end of an extraordinarily stressful semester, but if you have a few free moments to share your thoughts, please email them to Tamara Bhalla (tbhalla@umbc.edu). We'll compile them and pass them on anonymously. Please send us your responses by Wednesday, May 27.
Thank you!