Good Afternoon AAOU SSC Departments,
The FY21 HR Paperwork Deadline Calendar is now available for July 2020 through October 2020 (PR-2020-001 to PR-2020-010). The updated calendar is attached here for easy access, and is also saved to our website for your convenience.
Please remember the "AAOU SSC Deadline" dates highlighted in red, are the dates in which the RT ticket must be received, for the corresponding effective date and or pay date depending on if the request impacts an hourly employee, salary employee or a stipend recipient.
Please also keep in mind for New Hire RT tickets, the "AAOU SSC Deadline" is the date in which the new hire must complete and submit all new hire paperwork to AAOU SSC staff for processing. Therefore, New Hire requests must be submitted to AAOU SSC via RT two weeks prior to the deadline date associated with the new hires start date.
**This information is also listed on the attached deadline calendar in red at the bottom of the document**
Lastly, all new hire start dates should be coordinated with the AAOU SSC before the informal verbal offer is made, and we request that all New Hires start at the beginning of the pay period.
**This information is also listed on the attached deadline calendar in blue at the bottom of the document**
Thank you,