Important Reminder: You MUST submit RT tickets and supporting documentation to the AAOU SSC by the deadlines shown on the AAOU SSC deadline calendar. DO NOT use the HR deadline calendar for submission of RT tickets to the AAOU SSC, or you may miss the deadline.
The standard for student appointments is that they be placed on payroll in an hourly status. There are instances, however, when the nature of work prevents departments from measuring work on an hourly basis. In those instances, a request must be submitted to the back-office payroll manager prior to placing the Student employee on payroll in a zero-compensation status, or on a one-pay appointment for approval.
ONE PAY APPOINTMENTS (Requires Pre-approval):
If you need to submit a student into a one pay appointment, the following information must be submitted:
· Written request to the HR Payroll Manager (electronically), copying the AAOU SSC Business Specialist (Mike Renda) and Associate Director (Vania Cruz)
· Will the appointment be project-based and for a limited number of hours?
· Will the work be completed in less than 4 weeks (2 consecutive pay periods)?
· Will this student be returning to the department within the same semester for another one-pay appointment?
· Has the student already completed the work and the department neglected to submit the initial payroll packet. This should be rare and department should have this type of payment preapproved by HR.
After you have received your approval from HR to place students into a one pay appointment, you need to submit an RT request to the AAOU SSC, as you normally would, and you must include the approval of your request from HR as an attachment to your ticket.
In some instances, a department may need to place a student employee on payroll at zero compensation based upon the nature of work. These may be submitted via the normal new hire/concurrent job process. This work is:
· Not measured on an hour for hour basis; (Examples: Student Notetakers (paid by the number of lessons submitted), Retriever writers (paid flat amount by the article), Students who make their dorm room available during tour (paid flat amount by the day))
· A special project that will last beyond 4 weeks, but requires sporadic hours; work output is based on project deliverable vs number of hours worked. The Student has a specific period to get the work completed and then lump sum payment will occur. In this instance, the department should be able to approximate the number of hours it will take to complete the work. As long as the number of hours divided into the flat amount is equal to or above the current minimum wage, the zero-comp appointment will be processed.