Hi Retrievers!
As you all know, UMBC requires you to complete a foreign language for graduation and many UMBC students choose Spanish. While foreign languages may come easily to others, some students may need a little extra help. That's where the Spanish Lab comes in!
Spanish Lab? What is that? How does it work?
The Spanish Lab is a walk in Spanish help program that the Learning Resources Center is piloting this semester. This is a space where you can work on your Spanish homework or group projects and ask tutors for help if you need it. It's like having a study hall with tutors available if you have questions. If you're taking a Spanish class up to SPAN 201 and you don't understand something--this is the chance of a lifetime...or well of a semester anyway.
When and where does this happen?
Spanish Lab runs every Friday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. until May 12, 2017. The lab will be located on the first floor of the library, in the space that the Writing Center and Math Lab normally occupy.
What should I bring?
Bring questions! Bring projects! Bring anything that you are working on for your Spanish class! But most importantly, bring a good attitude and an open mind.
For more information, follow our myUMBC group or our Facebook page!!
Excited? Apprehensive? Have questions? Please leave them below in the comments section and we will do our best to answer them!