Tell us about yourself:
My name is Emma Jett. I’m a sophomore majoring in English Literature and Secondary Education, and I’m a tutor in the Writing Center. Once I graduate, I plan on teaching High School English.
How are you involved on campus?
I’m actually very involved on campus! Aside from being a Writing Tutor, I am also an RA in Hillside Apartments, and I am a Small Group Leader with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship!
How and why did you come to be a tutor?
At the end of my Freshman year, I was looking for more opportunities to prepare myself for my future career. After talking with one of my friends who worked in the Writing Center, as well as my Education advisor, I figured that I would look into the possibility of being a Writing Tutor. I had a meeting with Elaine MacDougal, and I’ve been involved ever since!
What is your favorite thing about being a tutor?
I have loved my time as a tutor, but if I had to pick a single aspect it would probably have to be those moments when a writer goes from feeling self-conscious about their writing to feeling more confident in their ability to convey their ideas, and their ability to represent themselves through their writings.
Why should tutoring be utilized?
Even the most experienced writers benefit from another set of eyes looking at their work. The Writing Center provides a place for students to come in and talk about their writings – no matter where they are in the process. Whether you need help understanding an assignment sheet, want someone to talk to about your writing, or want feedback on a piece of creative writing, meeting with a writing tutor can help make your writing process a smoother one.
What advice would you give students for how to prepare for a session?
Come prepared for a conversation! If you’re coming in for a shorter session, it’s helpful to have some ideas about what you want to cover when you come into the session.
How do I make an appointment?
Our scheduling system, WCOnline, helps you make online and in person appointments.
The Writing Center is a tutoring space dedicated to helping UMBC students with writing in any class. The Writing Center offers one-on-one sessions that generally last between 30 minutes to an hour. We work with students at any stage of the writing process, so you don’t even need to bring a finished paper. If you’re having trouble getting started, bring us your assignment sheet and spend a few minutes talking about pre-writing strategies with any of our experienced tutors. If you have an outline, we can help you expand and improve on that, as well.