Here is the link to the Registrar's Final Exam Schedule.
You can study with a tutor! Make an appointment today, or drop in at one of UMBC's Tutoring Centers:
Math and Science Tutoring Center (1st floor, AOK Library)
Drop-in tutoring for math, biology, chemistry, economics, physics, computer science
Spanish Tutoring Lab (1st floor, AOK Library)
Drop-in tutoring help with Spanish 101, 102, 103, 201
Academic Success Center (Sherman Hall, 345)
Appointment Tutoring for many 1st and 2nd year courses
Have a Tutor look at your final papers!
Writing Center (1st floor, AOK Library)
Appointment and drop-in tutoring for any writing assignments for any course
Appointment and drop-in tutoring for any writing assignments for any course
Evening online tutoring is available Tuesday and Thursday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Wednesdays from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.Weekend online hours are also available! To see those hours, please check the TutorTrac schedule for the Writing Center and select Saturdays and Sundays!