Facilities Management has shared that the RAC Renewal Renovation project is scheduled to begin as soon as the 2019 fall semester ends on 12/20/2019. This post is excerpted from their "projects" website, which has illustrations and a map of the shifted accessible routes.
The eighteen-month project will start in the center fieldhouse portion of the building and end in the three-court gym portion of the building in July 2021.
During construction, the front lobby continues as the main building entry and the elevator will remain accessible.
Multi-phased construction sequencing will allow for continued use of a pool and scheduled recreation programs.
Phase 1 construction will close selected area of the RAC between 12/20/2019 and 3/22/2020.
As you review the Phase 1 closure plans below, note the following items:
- Spaces closed for phase 1 construction include the track, varsity weight room, and the fieldhouse courts.
- During this phase, there will be no interior connection to the pool. Instead the pool lobby doors on the Sondheim side of the building will serve as the pool access point.
- For an accessible routes to and from the aquatics complex and pool please reference the attached December 13, 2019 pdf.The lower level exterior doors on the tennis court side will be for construction access only except for emergency egress and a designated service delivery.