Dear ANCS Majors and Minors,
The period during which classes will be held online, Mar. 24-April 3, coincides with the advising period for Fall 2020. Face-to-face advising sessions will not take place during this period.
As a consequence, advising this semester will take place by email. If you would like to arrange a teleconference advising session on Webex, that’s possible too.
The process will begin with you. When you have determined what classes you would like to take in the Fall 2020 semester (classes will be available online Mar. 21), email Dr. Rosenbloom ( listing these classes. You should also note any specific concerns you would like address about your academic program, if you have any. Dr. Rosenbloom will examine your record to determine whether these courses further your major and degree requirements, return to you a report on where you stand. If everything checks out, he will approve you for Fall 2020 registration.
If you are not sure what courses you would like to take in the Fall 2020, still email Dr. Rosenbloom, but give a him some idea of what courses you would like to take. You and he will then work out a class schedule in the same way as noted above.