They Came...
...from outer space? No wait.
posted almost 11 years ago
I've seen some problems going on around the world, like cybersecurity disputes, support of dictatorships by seemingly free nations, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I'm sure some of you guys will think "I've got nothing to hide" or "I'm not one of those unlucky people that dictator is oppressing" or "I'm not Ukrainian" and sit back as those matters unfold. But if those things go badly for the party without power, those who have power may grow bold and prosecute you for something somebody falsely accused you of, pass dictatorial laws, or make you serve in a war you don't believe in or what not. So I ask you to remember the adage "first they came for the Commies, then they came for the crippled, then they came for the Jews, next they'll come for you" and do all you can to oppose these things: tell your congressmen and tell your cross-country relatives' congressmen to vote for cyberprivacy measures and against new cybersecurity laws, don't buy electronics or donate to "charities" that fund dictators and warlords, and support countries that are in danger of being overrun by hostile powers physically and morally. It's so much better to be a good guy to people you'll never know somewhere in the world.