The Programmers Army
For those struggling with CS201 / CS202
posted over 10 years ago
Terrible pun off Dumbledores Army but it was the best I could think of.
My name is G, and I am a Comp Sci major. I'm a sophomore who has gone through 201 / 202 , who has been like you at one point. I know programming can be a difficult thing to grasp.
I know that, when people have trouble with coding, people will do one of a few things:
1) Panic
2) Go to ITE 240 for help from their TA's
3) Go to the SI sessions
I have talked with some SI people, and I know its sad that most people just don't go to these sessions. And others are afraid of confronting their big, bad TA's (Honestly though they are amazing and helpful)
So I have a plan to give my help. If anyone is interested, I can host some super informal sessions on stuff like Arrays, For Loops, If Statements, etc. I'm sure your professors go over it very well in class, but sometimes getting some help from a fellow peer can put things in a different light. If anyone is interested, please comment below or email me if you don't like publicly posting. If enough people are interested, I can make this a thing.
P.S - email:
P.S.S - I am in no way , shape, or form of electronic or physical method trying to poach people from coming to SI sessions or seeing TA's. This is just something I decided because I have a LOT of experience helping people in these classes as when I took them I helped a lot of students (Curse you Blackjack...)