On This Thanksgiving. . .
posted about 10 years ago
What are you most thankful for and why? This weekend, as with every day, is a perfect time to take stock of your blessings and thank God for every one. I'm listing ten such blessings to start us off.
1. My God and His death and resurrection. My salvation is an undeserved and (admittedly) oft-underappreciated gift. What a wonder that I am redeemed and get to know my God as my Lord and my Father!!
1. My God and His death and resurrection. My salvation is an undeserved and (admittedly) oft-underappreciated gift. What a wonder that I am redeemed and get to know my God as my Lord and my Father!!
2. My family, including a new addition about 5 months ago: our seven-month old puppy, Reilly. For those of you who know why I can't shush about her when I talk about Reilly, thanks for putting up with that as well! My human family, of course, has also been well more than gracious and loving to me over the years, both immediate and extended. God gifted me wonderfully with them and I am thankful they love me unconditionally, as I do love them unconditionally.
3. My friends. Be they here at UMBC, back in my hometown, my church, wherever....y'all are a blessing. I thank God for every one of you also.
4. Our country. I am blessed to be American and come from long, long lines of hardworking and dedicated people. That they sacrificed so much to come here over the years and make their futures and those of their families secure and free is a blessing I won't soon forget or take lightly.
5. Of course, our military, law enforcement, and other public and health safety and wellness officials come to mind. To those of you who have served as soldiers, policemen, firefighters, teachers, doctors, nurses, veterinarians, civil servants, and in any other such capacity, thank you. Your service is a blessing to all who are here and I, among many others, am blessed and humbled to God for your services. Thank you.
6. My standard of living. I am blessed with more than enough food to eat, clean water to drink, clothes to wear, shelters (home and UMBC, as I live on campus during the full semesters), a wonderful job (French tutoring at the LRC for my internship), et cetera.
7. My education. I have been blessed. Education is not a blessing everyone receives - at least, not a formal education. I have had the experiences of both informal and formal education over the years, something I do not take lightly and hope never to do so. Thank you to all who have blessed me over the years. Thank You, God.
8. Safety. I live in a safe neighborhood, in a safe community, and, during the years I have been here, a relatively safe campus. That I don't have to live in fear of losing my life, grave injury, or any other such related circumstance daily is humbling and inspiring.
9. A bright future. Life hasn't been easy, but worth every second. God n'est pas fini avec le travail de moi yet! (God isn't finished with me yet! Yes, I am also fluent in Standard Parisian French and am learning Quebecer French, along with my native language, Standard American English and some other dialects of English.)
10. Life- life to the fullest. God is not done with me yet!!! What an honor to know Christ as my Lord and have life in Him, now and always. I look forward to living for Him way more seriously from now on, my God and my Lord Jesus Christ....wow.
That said, there is much more for which I have to be thankful, but I think this list fairly sums up what I feel thankful for at the moment. Never take your blessings for granted, whatever sort of richesse (wealth) they are. God Bless, and Happy Thanksgiving!
In conclusion, I leave you with this: what do you have to thank God for this Thanksgiving and, for that matter, every day? Why is that? God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!
In His Love, From A Child of the One True King,
In conclusion, I leave you with this: what do you have to thank God for this Thanksgiving and, for that matter, every day? Why is that? God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!
In His Love, From A Child of the One True King,
Michelle Czarnecki
(edited about 10 years ago)