Hillside apartment noise
Very loud heating in Terrace/Hillside apartments?
posted about 10 years ago
Does anyone live in Hillside/Terrace apartments find that the heating system is just REALLY loud? I have it particularly bad because I'm ground level and the heating units are directly outside my window, but even just the air running through my vent tends to make the room *very* loud. (Microphone pegs it at ~60db, which is quite loud.)
Now that we're in the season where the heat is almost constantly running, I find myself having a hard time sleeping and studying in my apartment that otherwise functioned just fine at the beginning of the semester.
Does anyone else find they have this problem, or have any advice? I can't just complain to management that it's too noisy, because that's not a specific problem to repair. I'm going to start trying out just sleeping with earplugs, but if anyone has ideas on how to handle the problem, or just get better sleep even with it, I'd love to try them out.
Does anyone else find they have this problem, or have any advice? I can't just complain to management that it's too noisy, because that's not a specific problem to repair. I'm going to start trying out just sleeping with earplugs, but if anyone has ideas on how to handle the problem, or just get better sleep even with it, I'd love to try them out.
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