The Senate report on the torture at Guantanamo Bay
Do the ends justify the means?
posted about 10 years ago
So in the link provided, I added a article concerning former Vice President Dick Cheney's defense of the torture (or "enhanced interrogation techniques" for the more politically correct amongst us) that went on inside of Gitmo. This hopefully will dispel a few of the myths he propagated on Meet the Press. As always, some points had merit, others were either misleading, exaggerated, or just plain wrong. I will leave you to decide which ones are which. I will also leave you to decide whether what we got out of these torture methods outweighs the fact that we tortured them to get it.
(edited about 10 years ago)
Selected Answer...
There is absolutely nothing that could have been gained through torture which 'outweighs' the act of torture.
The Geneva Convetions apply. The UN Convention Against Torture applies. Humanity applies. In regards to all 3, we failed.