Why am I not able to apply for housing?
Need help! Freaking out about having a room for Spring2k15
posted about 10 years ago
I am a transfer student and I have just payed my Enrollment fee.
I am ready to apply for housing on campus. However, when i click the link, I don't see any link to an application. I just see links and questions about what kind of roommate I want. Anyone know why? Is this because the rooms are full?
I am ready to apply for housing on campus. However, when i click the link, I don't see any link to an application. I just see links and questions about what kind of roommate I want. Anyone know why? Is this because the rooms are full?
(edited about 10 years ago)
Selected Answer...
Hi Lindsey,
There's a small delay between your admit and when your account is active in our system. Please try now. Make sure that you click Submit Application on the last step when done.