Selling Chemistry, Anthropology, and Spanish books for cheap
posted about 10 years ago
Hello all! I am selling textbooks that I don't need anymore. However, the online access codes for all of the books do not work! You will still need the access code in order to gain access to the online portion of the classes. Here are the books I have:
Atoms First by Julia Burdge and Jason Overby, 1st Edition (x2)
Problem Solving Workbook with Selected Solutions to accompany Atoms First 1st Edition (x2)
Anda! Volume 1 2nd Edition by Heining-Boynton, LeLoup, and Cowell
Tuhami, Portrait of a Moroccan by Vincent Crapanzano
Worker in the Cane by Sidney W. Mintz
Thinking Anthropologically by Philip Carl Salzman
E-mail me here on myUMBC if you're interested, have questions, or would like pictures. My email address is
Thank you!
(edited about 10 years ago)