Early Riser || wake-up calls from fellow students / Prof.
posted almost 10 years ago
# Looking for 4 people to start this student organization: treasurer, secretary, officer, and an advisor. It's a good way to make friends and build your resume!
The UMBC Wake-up Club is a not-for-profit student organization founded on the belief that "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" - Ben Franklin, famously
Our Mission = To solve complex challenges and deliver innovative solutions to help students go to bed early and get up early in the morning.
Our Vision = To improve the quality of student life.
Our Values =
- Optimism
- Passion
- Innovation
- Caring - We listen to and respect our members and each other so we can act with insight, understanding and compassion
- Excellence - We strive to deliver the highest quality and value possible through simple solutions
Our Culture =
- We are one team
- We pursue excellence
- We are accountable
- We inspire creativity and innovation
Description = Members are categorized either as "early birds" or "lazy birds," and are required to provide information such as phone number, and the time they wish to wake up.
Four Options (Open to Suggestions):
- A member will call those prone to sleep in every morning at a fixed time; this allows members to supervise and motivate each other, and the calls will be met with less resistance. We are also considering(NOT yet decided) including popular professors on the calling teams.
- We will set up some sort of sign-in system. Sign-in times are set for 5:30 - 7:30a.m. every day. Anyone who signs in before 7:30 will get an automatic reply of, "Good morning, I am the alarm clock to wake up your dreams! You are the Xth student to get up at UMBC today." The first 30 students to wake up can claim a free cup of coffee. If you can't come to campus that day because you don't have classes or other reasons, we will give you a ticket with which you can claim your coffee at your convenience.
- Match up students to wake each other up with a voice message each morning. Advantage -- avoid awkward moments on the phone.
- Provide exclusive wake-up service to members of other student organizations. Advantage -- We do the work for you (pairing up students to call each other, management, etc). Renew and strengthen the ties between members of your organization!!!
Seven Reasons You Should Wake Up Earlier:
- "Many students are late for classes due to oversleeping."
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it's also one of the most skipped meals.
- Working out in the morning is one of the best ways to get your day going. Not only does it give you that energy boost, but also helps you sleep better at night.
- If you were to get up just one hour earlier each morning, you would gain 15 days in a year.
- Once you keep waking up early, it'll be easy to get to bed early, too. Getting the proper amount of sleep not only gets you more energized for the day, it improves your mental health, creativity and weight control.
- Many early risers cite increased creativity and inspiration in the morning hours. Great works of art and novels got written in the early hours of the day.
- The early risers are one step ahead of the crowd: calm, collected, and accomplished when everyone else is rushing to the office. The early bird has it under control. When you wake up early, you have more time for planning, strategic thinking, and getting organized.
- Learn about job, internship, and research opportunities
- Learn from your peers' experiences and insights
- Meet new people and make friends
- Provide networking opportunities
- "I have several ideas that could change the world." Share it!!!
- Talk with students in the majors you are considering
- Motivate students to wake up early
How do We Protect Wake-up call service Recipients (members of Wake-up Club or other student organizations) from Sexual Harassment?
To receive wake-up call service, you will be asked to complete a brief course in Preventing Sexual Harassment = http://training.newmedialearning.com/psh/umbc/student/index.shtml
If any recipient of wake-up call service believes that s/he is a party to sexual harassment, we will help s/he file a complaint with the UMBC Human Relations Office.
Future Plans
- Explore opportunities to work with UMBC Carpool Program.
- Negotiate extra-credit opportunities with professors for students
Meeting Information
Meetings will be held online.
Full Credit To Wake-up Club at Peking University for this idea.
(edited almost 10 years ago)