Gaming club??
anyone else enjoying playing real games anymore??
posted over 13 years ago
Okay, so I mean no offense to anyone who plays dungeons and dragons and all the other role playing / fantasy games, but COME ON! I am so sick of hearing about them!!! I saw a post about UMBC's gaming club and me being the dork that I am, got excited. But then... disappointment... disappointment, and more disappointment...
What happened to the old school games that we played as children? I grew up playing games like candy land, scrabble, monopoly, win lose or draw, Yahtzee, travel, trivial purist (which by the way I was horrible at, lol), etc. I love playing games, but unfortuently not to many people enjoy "game night". Is there anyone else out there who likes any of the older games, or even the newer ones ( anything EXCEPT fantasy and role playing....)? I have several games Ive never even played because you need a group of at least 4+ people, such as apples to apples. I know Im not the only one out here that enjoys these type of games.As dorky as it may be, I am more than willing to embrace my inner dorkiness if it means I get to play the good old fashion "normal" (if you will) games! Once again, I want to make it clear I am not in anyway trying to put down all the other "gamers" who role play and whatnot, it just isn't my style, and Im tired of seeing only gaming groups play just those games.
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