Operation Occupy Wall Street
Grabbing the bull by its horns! (yes, I know... cheesy pun)
posted over 13 years ago
So I'm pretty surprised that no one here has brought it up yet. It's a grassroots movement which seeks to occupy Wall Street to show that those of us in the 99% of society have had it with the ruinous ways of the top 1%.
Here's an excerpt about the movement from this article:
The protest has attracted wide support and has a sophisticated social media operation. There is a live feed onto the internet and a huge presence on Twitter. Supporters around the world have even been sending in orders to a local pizza shop to keep the protesters fed. So much so, in fact, that some organisers have asked them to stop ordering pizza as they had more than they could eat. Now most help comes in the form of money or – most importantly – more people coming.
“People are donating from all over the world. There are car pools of people arriving from Wisconsin, California and Florida. They told us: ‘Hang on, we’re coming!’ One woman who has travelled a long way is Becky Wartell, 24, a massage therapist from Maine. “I am a small business owner!” she laughed. She had just returned from the latest march down Wall Street.
“What everybody’s here protesting is that fact that 1% of the population controls so much wealth. We are the rest of society. We are the 99%,” she said.
(edited over 13 years ago)