National Student Walk-out Day October 5th/Occupy movement
Against unforgivable student debt and soaring tuition prices
posted over 13 years ago
National Student Walk-Out Day
Against unforgivable student debt and soaring tuition rates
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This is part of the Occupy Wall Street movement which is part of a wider movement tied in to the protests in Egypt, Spain, and more to fight for the voice of the people and not just the elite 1%.
How many friends do you have, or people do you know who have graduated from an institution of higher learning, who have no job, a part time job, an underpaid job, or a job not related to their field?
This walk out day is a demonstration to the institutions, but more importantly to our government and our economic sector that we as Americans, as students and as people striving to be productive members of society deserve a say in the way things are run!
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Read up on the new fiscal years Austerity budget plans, plans to cut back on consumer spending, and provide UNLIMITED funds to corporations and war!
Fight back against the machine, don't just skip your professors and explain why you aren't coming, see if they'll help you. Ask if you can turn in work via email and find out what you may miss. If you are daring and feel like you need to let the world know that it's time for change, join the OccupyDC movement this Thursday, October 6th, or help create the movement in the making for Baltimore!
This is not a solicitation to be a radical or to skip out on your duties as a college student, this is a solicitation to take a stand for human needs, a stand for what we as the people of this nation, the next generation of our world need and deserve, our lives, our liberties, and our pursuit of happiness!