You know what really grinds my gears?
posted over 13 years ago
We all have things, stupid little things, that gets under our skin. Maybe watching someone eat M&Ms in the wrong order by color sends an uncomfortable shiver up your spine; maybe people who say "pop" instead of "soda" make you foam at the mouth. Maybe hearing somebody play a poorly tuned guitar reminds you of how much you hate puppies and go on a murderous, furry, rampage.
I can't STAND it when people walk on the wrong side of the sidewalk.
For those of you that just left your adoptive wolf family behind and emerged from a cave in the woods, only yesterday rejoining society for the first time since your were abandoned in the woods at the age of two, the correct side is the right side.
We drive on the right side of the road, we walk on the right side of the sidewalk, we move along the right side of a hallway.
IN AMERICA when we need to go forward in a space in which there is also on coming traffic parallel to you, both lines stick to the right side of which they're facing because in that way we always walk on opposite sides and avoid collisions.
Because we're civilized. Any other way of life would sow chaos and anarchy in our streets.
So I ask you, why is this such a difficult concept among a college educated populace? We seem to have issues at UMBC sometimes.
I understand sometimes you're not thinking and wander off the the wrong side on an empty pass. I do it, I'll fess up to that. But goddamn, if somebody comes my way I check myself before I wreck myself and get to the right side.
Likewise, if I'm walking on the right side on the sidewalk and some clown saunters up to me, I'll be damned if I'm getting out of his punk ass, leftie-walking way. Because, goddamn it, I'm the one doing things correctly here.
Surprisingly, I've never walked into one of these confused anarchists, they always get out of my way because they /know/ their method of walking is full of shame and concede in the face of my gentlemanly direction.
Now here is what really gets me
More then half the time, these commie-freedom-hating-red leftie walker don't move to the right, even when the sidewalk is totally empty besides us THEY WILL FRICKIN VEER FURTHER TO THE LEFT AND WALK IN THE GRASS AND MUD INSTEAD.
So, umbc. What grinds /your/ gears?
Let it out.
(edited over 13 years ago)