What's up with this smell in the RAC?
Just something I felt was too...awkward....to ask in person.
posted over 13 years ago
I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I normally enjoy the RAC very much. I mostly use it to store things in my locker ("things" like textbooks that I don't immediately need, etc)......But since Monday, if I remember right, there has been this...."interesting"....smell. I don't want to get vulgar here, but it was really bad, reminiscent of excrement. Even today, the smell, while lessened in intensity, was still noticeable in the men's locker room area (as in inside the door leading into the men's locker room).
I was just wondering if anyone knows what the heck is going on, because I have no idea. Thankfully, at this rate, the smell will probably go away completely by the weekend....I hope.
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