The <Moral> Dilemma
What would YOU do?
posted over 13 years ago
You've all undoubtedly heard these questions before, but because I am going outta my mind with boredom at the moment, here they are again-
1)Would you steal food in order to feed your starving family (the assumption is that you dont have the means to provide for your family in any other way; this is simply a question of ethics)?
2)If you see someone drop money, do you return it or not (regardless of the amount)?
3)You find out someone you don't like is unknowingly being taken advantage of in some way. Do you tell them?
4)Your professor gives a test and believes that either you or your friend is cheating on it. You know your friend actually did cheat on the test. What do you do?
5)You have the opportunity to make tons of money doing something that some or most of society or perhaps your family and friends thinks is repugnant (i.e. becoming a drug-dealer or stripper). Do you do it anyway?
6)You somehow have the ability to change your grades or someone else's. Do you do it?
7)You have the ability to sneak into a movie theater (or go movie-hopping as I call it lol <sneaking from one movie to another to another with the price of only one ticket>). Do you?
8)You and your best friend are given the opportunity of a lifetime to do whatever. Then it becomes known that only one of you can be chosen. Do you root for your best friend or do you hop on the next train smokin? Lol
Answer one or as many questions as you like and feel free to add new ones! (Nothing too insulting please, like a moral dilemma that includes having to decide which child a mother would let a homicidal maniac kill, which happens to be the ugly one <Family Guy reference> lol)
1)Would you steal food in order to feed your starving family (the assumption is that you dont have the means to provide for your family in any other way; this is simply a question of ethics)?
2)If you see someone drop money, do you return it or not (regardless of the amount)?
3)You find out someone you don't like is unknowingly being taken advantage of in some way. Do you tell them?
4)Your professor gives a test and believes that either you or your friend is cheating on it. You know your friend actually did cheat on the test. What do you do?
5)You have the opportunity to make tons of money doing something that some or most of society or perhaps your family and friends thinks is repugnant (i.e. becoming a drug-dealer or stripper). Do you do it anyway?
6)You somehow have the ability to change your grades or someone else's. Do you do it?
7)You have the ability to sneak into a movie theater (or go movie-hopping as I call it lol <sneaking from one movie to another to another with the price of only one ticket>). Do you?
8)You and your best friend are given the opportunity of a lifetime to do whatever. Then it becomes known that only one of you can be chosen. Do you root for your best friend or do you hop on the next train smokin? Lol
Answer one or as many questions as you like and feel free to add new ones! (Nothing too insulting please, like a moral dilemma that includes having to decide which child a mother would let a homicidal maniac kill, which happens to be the ugly one <Family Guy reference> lol)
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