Thank you, UMBC!!!
posted about 13 years ago
Hi everyone!
Looking ahead to the Thanksgiving holiday, I have been reflecting on all the things I love and am thankful for about this school.
Thank you to my friends and all the great people I have met so far in my college career! I love you all!!!
Thank you to my professors for teaching me stuff and putting up with all my questions!
Thank you to Chartwells for feeding me each and every day!
Thank you to everyone on the myUMBC discussion boards, yes, EVERYONE, for sharing your thoughts and providing the school website with lively and thought-provoking debates!
Thank you Dr. Hrabowski for running a truly great school!
Thank you Starbucks for waking me up when I'm half-asleep!
Thank you Chick-Fil-A for waffle fries! NOM NOMS!
Thank you squirrels for cleaning up all the food on the ground!
Thank you custodial staff for cleaning up everything! You don't get nearly as much credit as you deserve.
I could go on and on about all the things I am thankful for, but I'll wrap it up with this: thank you to everyone else on campus I haven't mentioned! Thank you whites, blacks, Indians, Native Americans, Koreans, Chinese, Brazilians, Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists, Buddhists, agnostics, straights, gays and all the others from LGBTQetc., art majors, history majors, STEM majors, and everyone else for making this a marvelously diverse campus!
Tell me, my fellow UMBC-ites, what are YOU thankful for? :D
(edited about 13 years ago)