Do you really HAVE to take ENG 407 Spring 2012?
REDUCE your WORK load and HELP a fellow STUDENT for CASH!
posted over 13 years ago
I'm sure most reading this post have experienced the frustration of not being able to register for that ONE class you need to perfect your schedule for the semester. You complete the prerequisites, acquire the financial aid, shoot an email to your adviser to clear you for registration, and carefully select your classes so that your schedule is minimally stressful and (if you're lucky) leaves your Fridays free. But then the unthinkable happens--the class is full. Never has a little blue square looked so malicious. For some, even the fragile hope of wait-listing is an impossibility. This is a uniquely maddening experience for those nearing graduation. After all, who wants to stick around another whole semester for just one class?
I am fervently hoping to avoid such a fate. If you are CURRENTLY registered for ENGL 407 (Language in Society) for the SPRING 2012 semester with Professor LUCILLE MCCARTHY and are willing to drop the course so that I may take your place, please contact me at I am willing to pay cash for the inconvenience--payment is negotiable and will be received upon my registration.
Someone, anyone, please help. I am just ONE class away from graduating next semester. If you don't have to graduate this May, why not help a fellow student and make some money, all in one fell swoop?
Contact Raphielle at
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