Erik Walker's Stalking You Now
He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake
posted about 13 years ago
He knows when you've been posting on myUMBC, so be good and don't disagree with him.
You better not troll.
You better not "lie".
You better not disagree.
I'm telling why.
Erik Walker's Stalking You Now. (on myUMBC)
(sung to the tune Santa Claus -- who doesn't exist because God does -- is Coming to Town)
Click here for the creepiest, most paranoid, and most deceitful post on myUMBC: The Erik Walker Hate List. It is a comprehensive list of everyone that disagrees with Erik Walker on rational grounds. He has taken a lot of care to procrastinate in his courses to ensure the forums have been cherry-picked down to the last thread! Fortunately he has carefully cataloged his insanity by tagging all of his posts with "truth". So it is easy to search the myUMBC archive for his insanity by clicking on the "filter" box and typing in "truth".
(edited about 13 years ago)