An Unfortunate Story Where Nobody Wins
posted about 13 years ago
In the news this week was highschooler Jessica Ahlquist, an atheist who recently won a lawsuit against her school to have a prayer mural taken down from the wall of her public highschool.
Jessica felt that the mural was offensive to non-christians and (quite plainly) went against the first amendment. The mural has been around since the early 60s without anyone complaining until now. I've not been able to find the entire text of the prayer, but it did start with "Our Heavenly Father" and ends with "Amen."
She's had to defend herself in school and online from Christian students who were upset with the ruling. (
I know this discussion is likely to get heated, so please try your very best to keep your emotion out of it and make constructive comments. That having been said, I'm personally face-palming over the entire situation. This wasn't something that was bothering anyone, but this one girl was compelled to be a martyr for a cause that didnt need fighting for. On the other hand, the student's who so vocally curse her for her lawsuit have quite clearly forgotten everything important about being a Christian. I don't see a winner in this... progress has not been accomplished, imo. What do you think?