Humans and Religion
Affinity for a Higher Power
posted almost 13 years ago
This thread is not to discuss the teaches of religions, but the inception of them, and the affinity humans have for religion (or some sort of higher power).
I am a self described Pastafarian. My belief is that A. Humans have a rather humorous affinity for belief in a higher power and B. Religious people have no more proof for the existence of god than I have for the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
So, my questions to you all are:
How are religions (specific and general) created (and gain momentum)?
Why are they created?
Why, as humans, do we, generally speaking, need to believe in something greater than we?
I recently asked a frequent myUMBC poster why he consistently refers to God as He and Him instead of he and him, and I received no answer. Maybe one of you can clarify because it seems simply illogical to me.
More questions should cascade from these, but they are good topic starters.
**Please just be respectful of everyone's beliefs. I won't be persecuting and neither should any posters.