Cheap Used Text Books for Sale!
For Math or Financial Economics Majors! Books are like new!
posted over 12 years ago
The Puzzle of Latin American Economic Development - ECON 387 - $20
Business Statistics - Sharpe, De Veaux, Velleman - STAT 351 - $40
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 9th ed. - Ross, Westerfield, Jordan - ECON 374 - $60
Management 9th ed. - Daft - MGMT 210 - $25
Intro to Managerial Accounting 4th ed. - Brewer, Garrison, Noreen - ECON 122 - $20
Accounting Information Systems - Turner, Weickgenannt - IS 317 - $30
Ethical Theory and Business - Beauchamp, Bowie, Arnold - $15 (UMUC's version of ECON 385)
Law and Economics 5th ed. - Cooter, Ulen - ECON 416 - $25
Law's Order - Friedman - ECON 416 - $25
Applied Calculus 4th ed. - Waner, Costenoble - MATH 155 - $20
Linear Algebra 4th ed. - Lay - $40