Room for rent in 3 bedroom apartment 5 min. away from UMBC!
posted over 12 years ago
The apartment is the Mount Ridge Apartments near campus. Right now I am on the lease and renting the room. However, I realized that I actually am going to commute from my parents house and I have already signed the lease. Therefore, I am looking for someone that needs a place to live that would take my spot on the lease. The lease is until July 31st, 2013. It is $549 per month not including utilities and a $233.33 security deposit that you will get back at the end of the lease. Internet and cable is already hooked up and would be $29 a month. The apartment is fully furnished, but the bedroom is not. Brand new appliances (washer, dryer, dishwasher, oven, stove), new carpet, very nice, spacious bathroom. The apartment is located right near the UMBC shuttle route. The apartment is being shared with two other UMBC students. One guy and one girl. They are very easy to live with, clean, tidy, respectful, and quiet. Please let me know if you are interested! Need someone ASAP. Feel free to email me at