CourseSmart? anyone?
posted almost 15 years ago
Anyone using CourseSmart to get their textbooks this semester?
Bookstore total: $637
CourseSmart: $230
Go to the link top/bottom if you've never heard of the site.
I won't get the satisfaction of returning my books at the end of the semester for some chump change, but I think the overall cost is cheaper.
I just had a quick question about it though: What are people's opinions on the site who've rented books from them before?
And more importantly: Some of my classes require that little CD-key majiggy in the back of the physical book in order to access special online resources for completing and submitting HW. Is that still accessible through CourseSmart?
Was looking for an answer to that and couldn't find a complete answer from the website or the interwebs, so please help.
(edited almost 15 years ago)
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