Students for the Founders: Nominated for the Hewitt Award!
posted over 12 years ago
Those of you are who familiar with Andrew Sullivan will undoubtedly be familiar with his system of awards, and this one in particular:
It is time, is it not? The Hewitt Award, named after the absurd partisan fanatic, Hugh Hewitt, is given for the most egregious attempts to label Barack Obama as un-American, alien, treasonous, and far out of the mainstream of American life and politics.
Thus I turn the floor over to you, my dear forumites: Shall we nominate "Students for the Founders" for a Hewitt Award?
Or perhaps a Malkin Award will be in order? A Malkin Award is for: shrill, hyperbolic, divisive and intemperate right-wing rhetoric
Or perhaps a Malkin Award will be in order? A Malkin Award is for: shrill, hyperbolic, divisive and intemperate right-wing rhetoric