Help me help orphans in Asia
I'm starting a new organization on campus
posted over 12 years ago
When I was studying abroad in China last year I came across a nonprofit organization called Children of Shambala ( From their website:
Children of Shambala (CoS) is an independent non-political non-religious humanitarian organization alleviating poverty in Asia. CoS was founded in 2006 and has so far implemented more than 115 small scale development projects in Asia. Our most important project today is "Orphanage Without Walls" (OWW).
I applied for their fellowship program for next year and was offered the position last week. As a way of supporting the organization (which is registered in Norway) before I leave for Thailand next summer, I want to raise money to directly support the orphans I will be working with next year in Thailand and Qinghai Province, Tibet (China).
To accomplish this, I want to start a network of college student organizations to raise money on behalf of the orphans, and figured I should begin with UMBC. So long story short, if you are interested in being a part of this new organization on campus, or interested in applying for the fellowship for CoS next year, you should comment below and we can meet up sometime soon. My goal is to raise $25,000 for the orphans this year. It takes $600 to support one orphan for a year.
Of course, if you want to just make a donation to the cause, that is AWESOME, and you can email me or comment below.
My email: