Baltimore City Schools... amiright?
Worse than a jobs program... a honeypot?
posted over 12 years ago
Baltimore city schools don't exactly have a stellar reputation for their quality or quantity of graduates, no news there.
What may be news, since I have yet to find mention of it in a community that is far from afraid of a heated discussion, is the flagrant abuse of funding in the Baltimore City school system.
The preliminary results of a recent audit of the Baltimore city school system have some very grim things to say about the morality of the system and the integrity, if not at least the effectiveness, of whatever body is supposed to oversee these matters.
The kicker... they want several billion dollars to rebuild the schools. The gambling industry wants you to think the new casino will bring much needed income to help these schools and yet there is clearly a problem with how MD keeps its school districts fiscally responsible with what money they already get. I don't think adding more money (assuming their good on their word in the first place) will make it any easier to make sure all the money is getting where it needs to go...
Here's the Balt. Sun's take on it:,0,6458112.story
What do you think?