Can I have five bucks?
Dolla dolla bills ya'll.
posted over 12 years ago
As the title says, I wouldn't mind having five bucks. To purchase odds and ends. Its hard on the mean streets of UMBC. Do I necessarily deserve that money? Maybe not. But I vow it will go to a good use. Which is contributing towards my passion for cheer wine and burritos.
In addition to my previous question (the poll), and in order to make this a legitimate discussion, I ask you this:
What is the strangest thing you've done for money? Whether it be from a dumb bet, odd job, shady business, or oddly optimistic post on an online forum.
Side note:
Lets not make this a religious or political argument. That seems to happen a lot around these parts. I mean, I don't really know how it would escalate like that. But it could, dontchaknow.
In addition to my previous question (the poll), and in order to make this a legitimate discussion, I ask you this:
What is the strangest thing you've done for money? Whether it be from a dumb bet, odd job, shady business, or oddly optimistic post on an online forum.
Side note:
Lets not make this a religious or political argument. That seems to happen a lot around these parts. I mean, I don't really know how it would escalate like that. But it could, dontchaknow.