Cut-Throat Competition for Macs in Library
posted about 12 years ago
Does anyone else feel like the competition for Macs on the 2nd floor of the library has gotten ridiculous? There are people just browsing facebook, or the myUMBC discussion posts, or on their laptops in front of the Macs doing whatever. I waited 35 minutes for a Mac today in order to do my Visual Arts project using Final Cut Express, something that the Windows computers don't have. And while waiting I was reminded of just how selfish and snappy people can be. People were logged on, but no where near their computer for the entire 35 minutes I was waiting, when asked their neighbors said, "Oh they're just taking a break, they went to D-Hall." Really UMBC students? Really? Some people have time sensitive Mac necessary projects to do, you can't call dibs on a Mac when you aren't even in the Library. And even though I had been waiting for 35 minutes, and when I caught glimpse of the first guy leaving I started walking over, relieved that I could finally put my bag down when WHOOSH! Some girl that had literally walked in 3 minutes before RAN over, cut infront of me and sat down. Needless to say I was very angry. However it also made me sad to think that UMBC students behave this way, the cut-throat competition for Macs in the library is very unbecoming of UMBC as a community. I was very surprised just how rude people are when they have control of, are waiting for, or want a Mac in the Library. What do you guys think? Has anyone else experienced this?
(edited about 12 years ago)