Effects of drug use in our present day society.
posted over 12 years ago
No matter which drug it is, (caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, crack, coke, meth, etc), It shouldn't treat anyone (friend, family or even you) this way. It shouldn't control. We shouldn't let it and we shouldn't depend on it or let them do too.
There are in fact, a lot of people from a very wide range if age groups, under drug influence of some sort.
What are your thoughts? What have you seen? What have you done? And what can you do?
I just took my first psyc course (Dr. Angela Katenkamp, wonderful she is) this semester (as a psychology minor) and I got to understand that the same problems are being face today. There used to be asylums years before, for the mentally ill. We do have rehabilitation centers now too. Not that they don't work, but once people go there and then recover from their drug ordeal, they are released back into the world and naturally they go back to their previous environment before rehabilitation and it is the same social environment that prompted them into drug usage. So therefore, sometimes (some might even say most times), there is a relapse in behavior.
They meet those same friends, have those same urges and do those same things, etc. Basically, they are drawn back into the cycle.
They meet those same friends, have those same urges and do those same things, etc. Basically, they are drawn back into the cycle.
'Drug' abusers now have a wide range of age groups involved. We now have the pre-teens involved too. It has been notice that most of the mentally ill end up in prisons, especially when they go out of order in the society or commit a crime. This is partly because at least, there, they would have medication of some sort. These people in the link posted have been in and out of prison and these are some pictures of them during their admittance.
If there were still asylums, then these people might be there instead of the prisons but then, those asylums were closed down for some reasons.
I would say a modern kind of asylums should be opened up in states but this time, they should have very different goals and objectives, methods of treatment, etc.
If there were still asylums, then these people might be there instead of the prisons but then, those asylums were closed down for some reasons.
I would say a modern kind of asylums should be opened up in states but this time, they should have very different goals and objectives, methods of treatment, etc.
You see, from the research done, especially in Ohio State prison, (you can watch the videos here
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/asylums/view/ ) (or you can read the documentary by Debbie Nixon-Hughes here:http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/asylums/interviews/nixonhughes.html )
These findings are titled 'The New Asylums' on pbs.org.
I saw these videos first in one of my lectures. It is titled so because they are trying to show why the "Prisons are the new asylums", seeing as they take in the mentally ill and provide medication for them. In fact, some of these mentally ill try their possible best to make sure they don't leave the prisons (committing minor offenses in the prisons/bad or wrong behavioral conduct) because once they do, they would not be able to afford the medications necessary to keep them sane or performing at their highest possible best.
Why do I talk of Prisons, asylums and mental illness when the caption seems to be drug use and abuse related? They are correlated in some ways and causation is implied in some cases.
I'm also looking for ideas on what can be done to further help these people. I do know that here in Baltimore there are some programs, designed to help schizophrenic, depressed and delusive people. But what else can we do to improve this situation of drug use and the associating mental health instability?
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/asylums/view/ ) (or you can read the documentary by Debbie Nixon-Hughes here:http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/asylums/interviews/nixonhughes.html )
These findings are titled 'The New Asylums' on pbs.org.
I saw these videos first in one of my lectures. It is titled so because they are trying to show why the "Prisons are the new asylums", seeing as they take in the mentally ill and provide medication for them. In fact, some of these mentally ill try their possible best to make sure they don't leave the prisons (committing minor offenses in the prisons/bad or wrong behavioral conduct) because once they do, they would not be able to afford the medications necessary to keep them sane or performing at their highest possible best.
Why do I talk of Prisons, asylums and mental illness when the caption seems to be drug use and abuse related? They are correlated in some ways and causation is implied in some cases.
I'm also looking for ideas on what can be done to further help these people. I do know that here in Baltimore there are some programs, designed to help schizophrenic, depressed and delusive people. But what else can we do to improve this situation of drug use and the associating mental health instability?
(edited over 12 years ago)