Clarify meal plans please :(
posted almost 12 years ago
I have a 14 meal plan plus flex.
I don't understand why sometimes, after it is swiped to have dinner in true grits, I can then afterwards go to outtakes and get something else that counts as another meal. However, when my friend did the exact same thing, and I do believe she has the same meal plan, hers didn't go through.
Last semester, if I was was going home early, I would go around to different food venues in the commons and use up meals I know I wasn't going to use all in about the same meal period. By the time I was done, I'd have gotten 4 meals. Does this still work this semester?
I went to outtakes today, spent a meal (my second one) and then I came back 2 hours later wanting to use another one because I'm going home for the weekend, and it wouldn't take it. O.o And I'm wondering if maybe it's because it's the same venue as previously? Would it go through if I went to salsaritas or something?
I'm just confused all around :( A little clarity would be appreciated.
Selected Answer...
Now I remember what happened. Last year there was a glitch in the system where you could use multiple meals in a meal period regardless of meal plan. It sounds like the glitch was fixed.
Hope this helps!