Benefits of having a track, swimming, and tennis team
posted almost 12 years ago
Hi guys,
I just read about Towson University cutting their baseball and soccer teams and I was wondering why we have a track, swmming, and tennis team here at UMBC.
Can someone please explain me the benefits of having a track, swimming,and tennis team. I just feel like the money allocated to those programs could be better spent.(maybe on a football team, or a better RAC, or a sweet area for our chess team) Also, I don't see how those programs really benefit our school as a whole.
I hope no one takes this personally. I'm just trying to understand the reasoning behind this.
1. Students HAVE to pay an athletic fee which increases every year. Therefore, since I am the one paying for a service, I expect a personal benefit, which I don't see by financing those teams.
2. The money could be better allocated to the RAC. Have you ever used the rac? We have 13,000 students here at UMBC, but we only have 1 tiny weight room with 2 bench press stations, ~15 treadmills, and 3 indoor courts which we have to share with Varsity teams??!
3. A football, although expensive would bring community involvement, and alumni support. But personally, I just want a football team to tailgate and have something to do on the weekend.
4. I never trashed anything or anyone but cool story if you feel otherwise.
5. Lastly, I'm graduation in the spring, so it would be nice if one day I could go to a UMBC football game as an proud alumnus
(edited almost 12 years ago)
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