myUMBC statistics and search, updated
We deathstar now
posted almost 12 years ago
This is an update to the myUMBC search tool - the original thread can be found here. The tool can be found by going to Updates based on suggestions and etc:
- Updated all data to March 30th. Data should now automatically update itself every weekend.
- Added News, Events, and Media to database. This has added ~60,000 new posts and ~3,000 new users. Top 10 lists and user IDs have shifted around.
- Added a new "advanced search" feature which lets users specify which sections to search, and which matching mode to use. More options might be added in the future as time allows.
- Doubled number of search results for both users and posts.
- Changed 'Go to discussion' to automatically link to specific posts, instead of just to the discussion page.
- Added "Removed comments", which tracks how many comments a user has removed. Added this to Top 10.
- Minor UI improvements and stopword changes for word graphs.
If you find any bugs, have any questions, or would like to suggest something, please don't hesitate to comment or email me. This is something I do for fun in my spare time, but I do reply and address concerns eventually. Note that if searching for a specific user, you should type the full or partial name, not their UMBC ID - I don't track those, even though people keep searching for them.
ps - if you liked this, I would appreciate your input on my next project.
(edited almost 12 years ago)