Conservative beliefs.
The above link points to my blog, a website that promotes genuine conservative values and policy proposals. Two things: first, I welcome fellow right-wingers who want to participate in this endeavor. Also, I hope that everyone else will visit for reasons of information.
I hope to do two things with the blog and here on myUMBC. I want to promote conservative and Christian values here, using a respectful tone to refute incorrect reasoning and instead championing my beliefs.
Conservatism, as I have said before, works. Our healthcare policy would reduce costs and increase freedom. Obamacare, by contrast, raises premiums and increases the influence of government in consumers’ lives. What gives federal authorities this power?
Our tax policy reduces burdens. Instead of penalizing success and exempting low-income citizens from the system, we encourage universal, proportional participation with low tax rates intended to maximize the money available to entrepreneurs, individuals, and families throughout the country.
Revenue, ultimately, is less important than freedom.
At the fundamental level, we believe in freedom. Conservatives argue against the forceful use of government to coerce citizens to engage in various activities. For instance, there is no justification for Social Security. That’s not to mention the structural flaws inherent in the system.
Now, you should understand that one important function of government is defense. As such, conservative defense policy is completely consistent with our beliefs.
Conservatives are capitalists. This economic system has been at the foundation of wealth throughout history. China is experiencing prosperity because it has introduced capitalist principles into its economy. Also, compare North and South Korea, one of which is communist, with the other being representative of free-market precepts.
In contrast, the United States is pursuing leftists, big-government statism. This, as the Democratic record shows, is not the blueprint for success.
You might argue that the traditional stances on abortion is in contrast to principles of liberty. That would be wrong. Consider that the unborn child has a right (or, you could say ‘freedom’) to begin its life.
This aren’t in opposition to freedom at all.
Let’s have a discussion. Post your comments below.