Honors College questions from an incoming freshman.
I don't know what the hell I am doing haha
posted almost 12 years ago
So I didnt sign up for honors college when I applied cuz I...Idk, I just didnt. Anyways, now I keep hearing things about the honors college and I have a few questions.
1.) Can I apply for honors college when I register for classes or after I start my freshman year?
2.) Isn't there like a $2000 scholarship involved?
3.) What are the pros/cons of being an honors college student?
Selected Answer...
Graduating with honors =/= graduating from the Honors College. The Honors College is a humanities curriculum with a lower GPA requirement (3.25) than graduating cum laude (3.5). Also, graduate schools don't really care whether you finished the Honors College program if you're going into STEM.You also won't graduate with a BS (Hons.); that's a separate program administered by your department.
All that aside, the Honors College is good for getting to know people, the administration is supportive, and there are some interesting activities. You also get a private study lounge in the library and extended library privileges. Just be aware that it's time-consuming and not as helpful for STEM majors interested in grad school.
(I finished the Honors College program)