Gay marriage is not marriage
From a man who simply had to make his voice heard.
posted almost 14 years ago
Marriage is a religious institution. Telling Christians that they have to acknowledge homosexuals getting "married" is religious persecution, not only towards Christians, but toward those of the Jewish faith, and Muslims as well.
If gays want to have relationships, fine, this is a free country. If they want the government to recognize their relationships, fine, anyone can be heard if they talk loud enough. If gays want to have a relationship and call it marriage, and then have the government tell everyone that it is marriage, not fine.
Marriage is a bond that a man and a woman share before God. That is not to say that gay people are evil, or that all marriages under God are good marriages; but to call a bond between gay people a marriage is an assault on Christianity and any faith where marriage is sacred.
Christian people, as well as others, are under attack in our country. First we were told that our symbols could not be displayed, then we were told that the words of God could not be shown in public, and now our institutions are being dismantled.
Even if one does not follow the Christian faith, Allah and Yahweh take similar views on homosexuality, making this an assault on the faith of many people.
Though I am not Jewish, and neither am I Muslim, I know that there are many things that our faiths do have in common, and this is one of them.
Our voices need to be heard too. The United States is a free country, and because of that we must tolerate certain people and their actions, but tolerance has nothing to do with acceptance.