Parting Words - Class of 2013!
I’m at a loss for words to describe the way I feel
To have finally completed college, the feeling is surreal
To all of you who pushed me to make it to this day
For the tears that were shed along the university way
To the long nights of studying wondering when it would end
To the people I thought I could never get along with but now call friend
I am honored to be an UMBC alumni and retriever forever
Knowing that the sky’s the limit and never saying never
To my mom who is my rock and sacrificed everything for me
When I walk across the stage it is in your honor that I accept my degree
This journey is a path that is often less traveled
One in which once you begin it your fate soon unravels
You become victim to the thought of soon becoming something great
Until one minute you realize you control your own fate
So with this final goodbye I leave this school wishing everyone the best
The time has come for me to get an A on life’s test
The memories made here will forever be in my heart
Here’s to making new memories and getting a fresh start
I’m ready for the future to see what it is going to unfold
But I will always be a Retriever wearing proudly my black and gold!
Special thanks to making my time here amazing: Sheryl Gibbs, Janice Kefauver, Dining Hall Staff, BSU Members, PoliSci folks, and can't leave out my awesome roommates Paige, Layci, and Takiya!.... Couldn't have done this without you!