Matthew Eck Is A Good Person. Seriously.
I am ashamed of our discussion forums.
That's right. I'm not trolling, I'm not creating hate posts, I honestly know Matthew Eck to be a great person. Oh, whats that? That's not possible? Perhaps you should MEET THE MAN. You know what he does? Do you know what Matthew Eck is trying to do? He's trying to DISCUSS on a DISCUSSION FORUM. HOLY CRAP. THATS SO WRONG. CALL THE COPS. In addition, all of you that respond to him with "you have no evidence" always have no evidence of your own, let alone no evidence that he has NO EVIDENCE. If you read a darn thing he says, it makes logical sense. The trolls are you, and the ones that are going to respond negatively to this are those same people trolling on Matthew Eck. Matthew himself is the one being trolled, not the troll. I've said this before. You know what Matthew Eck does? He cares about the world. He wants to learn about things that he can't learn about in a classroom. And I'm not implying he's gay, as I know most of you are going to attempt to take the previous sentence out of context to attempt to prove, as you do so much. You know, I was hoping that President Hrabowski's letter to the university and forum on how to conduct yourselves would do something. It obviously hasn't. Please know that I am making it my mission to make these discussion boards a respectable place again. Be aware that your words are on record. Matthew says these words to you often, but you should know that its not just him saying them. Your hatred and threats make everyone ashamed of this community. It makes me upset to see a community so tattered with hatred and intolerance. I shall prepare myself for all the hatred response posts of "Oh Matthew Eck is so horrible" this and that, but you should know, I know you're wrong. And so do you.
Edit: I reconsidered my position in light of some racial comments Matthew made.