How do you feel about where you sit in classes?
posted almost 14 years ago
The other day I walked into class and I have had this thing since I graduated high school, I never sit in the same sit twice. Back in high school we always had assigned seating and I was always stuck next to the biggest chatter box in the class because the teacher knew I would feed into the person's conversations, I was considered a mute on some occasions. I hated it, it became impossible to do my own work so due to this I am constantly in different seats, but one day I apparently sat in this one gentleman's usual spot. He was very bent out of shape about it, claiming the seat to be "his seat" and ranted off to his buddies in the row in front of me, quite rudely. I have never had a reaction like his before, so I did not know how to react, most people just either sit a seat away from me or move entirely. Now for the setting, it is a huge lecture hall on the third floor of the art building, some of you I am sure have been. So I know there are plenty of other seats available, although I did still feel bad I forced him out of his comfort zone. I do not wish to be rude or inconvenience people, but it is just I guess one of my quirks, for lack of a better word. I have a feeling after that I should just find a place and stick to it, which I hope is not hard because my luck is that I will sit in another person's seat and upset them...
So my question is when you walk into your classes, assuming there is no assigned seating, do you tend to sit in the same seat or migrate from seat to seat?