Why does the Right deny Climate Change?
....does the truth not work for them?
posted over 11 years ago
Interestingly, a student on this board who I will simply refer to as Attie Meck, has been vocally denying climate change.
To put it in perspective, even most people on the right now confess that Climate Change is real. The right's new "shtick" is to say it just isn't humans causing it, so "Hummers for everyone!"
What's interesting is that Attie, clings to a discredited story line. And that story line is "Global warming stopped in the late 90's." So even among the lunatic fringe, he's the lunatic fringe.
To understand WHY that story line is a lie, I have included a webpage that debunks it enough for normal people (if not Attie).
Here is the URL to the article.
- B
Now the question is, despite showing this to Attie, Attie clings to his story. My question is why. Is he just dishonest? Is he ignorant? Or both?