Welcome to UMBC class of 2017!!!1!
UMBC = U Made the Best Choice
posted over 11 years ago
Sooo, we all just convocated! How does it feel to be a part of UMBC?!? C'mon, I don't hear you! LOUDER!!! I tell ya what, we gonna have an awsome four years here at UMBC! At least I hope it's four, not five or six or... (9)... Soo, ya ready for classes tomorrow or what?!? Either way, UMBC, which means U Made the Best Choice.
Ok, before anybody panics about my profile pic. Ok, first off, the guy who made it, qrullgx13 of deviantART, is letting people use it for free. And second off, I've been seeing a whole lot of hullabaloo on myUMBC about people trying to change their genders, and I'm sick an' tired of it. Soo, I decided to start a movement! I noticed there were over (9)000 discussions here on myUMBC, soo... what better time to start a Brohou Movement?!? Y'know, kinda like bronies, except with Touhou characters, soo... more awsome right?!? All ya gotta do to join is find a pic of a Touhou character (Danbooru is a good place to look), make sure the artist is letting people use it, download it, crop it, then make it your profile pic, and from then on NEVER ARGUE WITH OTHER BROHOUS!!!1!1! THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART!!! THE POINT OF THIS MOVEMENT IS TO BRING PEACE TO MYUMBC!!! Soo, this movement is open to dudes and chicks, students and staff, whites, blacks and everyone in between, gays and straight people, liberals and conservatives... sooo, basically everyone! C'mon, join! It's gonna be awsome!!1!1!! Soo, since I'm the one starting this, I'm gonna be the main character, Reimu. Y'all are free to pick whoever ya want, even if somebody else already has their pic, 'cuz there's WAY more people here at UMBC than Touhous! Anyway, if ya wanna join, go ahead and remember, UMBC: U Made the Best Choice.
Credit: The written content of this post is 100% BY ME, here's lookin' at you Adamsen. Touhou and all characters therein are belong to ZUN. The art of Reimu I made my new profile pic, and the full version in the thumbnail, is by deviantARTIST qrullgx13. The coinage of the word "brohou" is also by me.
Ok, before anybody panics about my profile pic. Ok, first off, the guy who made it, qrullgx13 of deviantART, is letting people use it for free. And second off, I've been seeing a whole lot of hullabaloo on myUMBC about people trying to change their genders, and I'm sick an' tired of it. Soo, I decided to start a movement! I noticed there were over (9)000 discussions here on myUMBC, soo... what better time to start a Brohou Movement?!? Y'know, kinda like bronies, except with Touhou characters, soo... more awsome right?!? All ya gotta do to join is find a pic of a Touhou character (Danbooru is a good place to look), make sure the artist is letting people use it, download it, crop it, then make it your profile pic, and from then on NEVER ARGUE WITH OTHER BROHOUS!!!1!1! THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART!!! THE POINT OF THIS MOVEMENT IS TO BRING PEACE TO MYUMBC!!! Soo, this movement is open to dudes and chicks, students and staff, whites, blacks and everyone in between, gays and straight people, liberals and conservatives... sooo, basically everyone! C'mon, join! It's gonna be awsome!!1!1!! Soo, since I'm the one starting this, I'm gonna be the main character, Reimu. Y'all are free to pick whoever ya want, even if somebody else already has their pic, 'cuz there's WAY more people here at UMBC than Touhous! Anyway, if ya wanna join, go ahead and remember, UMBC: U Made the Best Choice.
Credit: The written content of this post is 100% BY ME, here's lookin' at you Adamsen. Touhou and all characters therein are belong to ZUN. The art of Reimu I made my new profile pic, and the full version in the thumbnail, is by deviantARTIST qrullgx13. The coinage of the word "brohou" is also by me.