Men's Bathrooms
posted over 11 years ago
Why are there no toilet seat covers provided in any of the men's room? A lot of the bathrooms here are filthier than a portapotty. The least the school could do is provide toilet seat covers. The school keeps charging me more and more, and the bathrooms keep getting filthier and filthier. I tried to use the toilet today, but there was poop splatter on the seat, urine, and some mysterious white substance on it. If the school provided toilet seat covers, no one would have to hover over the toilet seat. This would lead to less poop splatter and urine all over the toilet seat and floor. When hovering, it's sometimes hard to hit the target. Believe me, I know. Toilet paper takes way too much time to cover the toilet seat. Especially when one has to go. Plus, when trying to cover the toilet seat with TP, one might come into contact with poop splatter, urine, and the mysterious white substance. Unsanitary!
This school needs to either fix up the bathrooms or at least provide seat covers for the toilets. Making the outside look nice is a waste, when the bathrooms are filthy disease ridden havens!
This school needs to either fix up the bathrooms or at least provide seat covers for the toilets. Making the outside look nice is a waste, when the bathrooms are filthy disease ridden havens!
(edited over 11 years ago)