Edward Snowden and the Navy Yard shooter
I see a job opportunity
posted over 11 years ago
Take heart amidst the deepening horse manure for it portends ... a pony!
According to their site, "USIS specializes in providing information and security services to government agencies and commercial enterprises. Headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, USIS delivers background screening ..."
Oh, really?
USIS cleared both Edward Snowden and
Aron Alexis (DC shooter) for their jobs.
Talking Points Memo gives the back story.
Naturally, heads will roll. USIS will purge a few sacrificial middle executives and their fiefdoms "reorganized" out of existence to make room for other expansive empires. In other words, there are jobs opening up at USIS.
USIS has locations in Arlington and Beltsville.