The Horror of Obamacare performing card tricks for dogs.
posted over 11 years ago
The discussion of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has been dominated by fact-free ideologues. The purpose is to give these self-styled protectors of liberty (tm) more factual data to scoff at and otherwise demonstrate rhetorical skills for the purpose of denial.
How much will you pay in your monthly premium for an ACA healthplan?
Kaiser Permanente has an online premium calculator if you want to put a number to it.
Imagine that you perform a card trick to a dog. Then you show the dog the trick behind it. The dog doesn't get it. Can't, really, just looks at you, tilts his head quizzically, blinks and pants.
Both houses of Congress voted twice on PPACA a.k.a. Obamacare, affirmed it both times. The Supreme Court confirmed it. It's now the law of the land. The Tea Party faction doesn't get it.
If only they were as polite as the aforementioned dog. So far, the adults in both parties have bent over backwards not to call the Tea Party actions by their true name: criminal rebellion.
If Obamacare were so horrible, the so-called conservatives would let it be enacted, watch it fail, then sweep the 2014 and 2016 elections. This is hardly a novel observation and has provoked more than a few GOP to break ranks in favor of the ACA, albeit at the risk of castigation for ideological impurity.
(edited over 11 years ago)